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What a great idea for a podcast!
I absolutely love movies and I love how Sarah and Jennie use movies to discuss an important topic that parents are going through. So much fun.

So approachable and funny!
Love Screen Cares so much! Sarah is an awesome host and she talks about movies and life in a super approachable way and she’s hilarious!

Super fun
What a great topic for a podcast!

Such a great concept!
In the world of podcasting, there seems to be a lot of similar content online but this podcast breaks the mold. It's fun, interesting, and makes you think about movies on a different level and it makes you look for new lessons that can be learned from these creative works.

Love the dynamics of this show! A must listen!

Love from Coffee and Cases Podcast
Such an engaging and fun podcast! It’s a great listen that you quickly fall in love with!!

This is great
I love the consciousness this pod brings. It’s great! Thank you for this podcast. I love your podcast name too. It’s perfect!

Great chemistry!
Such a fun idea for a podcast and love the conversations between the hosts!

Fun Movie Podcast
Jennie and Sarah pick the best movies to watch and discuss. It’s a fun listen!

Cute and fun!
What a fun podcast! I love the host’s conversation and energy!

Fun Show!
Love the vibe and the banter. 🎉🎙️

Alternative Perspective to Movie Watching
Love the approach and very well done Jennie and Sarah! Sounds like good friends who respect each other as well as conscientious of other viewpoints. Like the 5 categories, will be very helpful with movies I have not seen as well as your movie “sparks” at the end with engaging questions. Nicely done, and look forward to listening to more episodes when you are back for Season 2.

Love listening to the hosts
Great show and great engagement with hosts. Loved listening to them chat- like they are in same room :). Highly recommend

Dynamic Duo
What a cute idea for a for a podcast!! I love listening to the different dynamics and opinions of films! So great!

Like hanging out with friends
This is such a fun podcast to listen to, especially when you want something light and fun. It feels like hanging out with close friends

LOVE this!!
This is the podcast to come to when you just can’t get enough of a movie that made you think. Especially love the train to busan episode…appreciate the wide variety and diversity of the movie choices!!

What a fun concept!!

Just like talking with friends
Sarah and Jennie are a riot. The verbal too, and fro between them is so enjoyable. It takes me back to sitting around with my friends watching movies together in days gone by. Thanks for inviting us to join you. Look forward to what comes next.

Great banter and film pod!
So fun and a must for pop culture fans!

Unexpected and cozy
Love this podcast because the hosts do a great job of making movies mean more than just a way to pass the time. Funny banter and new perspectives on both old favorites and new movies. Highly recommend!

Awesome podcast. Love the mix of movie choices to talk about. Some recent ones and some nostalgic ones. Nice that it’s not just another movie review. Great conversations between good friends.

The classic Hocus Pocus review really took me back! I love the conversation and how they are open to jump back into nostalgia. Fun and entertaining from beginning to end. Great conversation and engaging. Great to be back in the magic! Looking forward to more!

Not just a movie review podcast
Cozy, thoughtful, and smart. These are ladies you want to spend some time with talking about movies and the inherent life topics they bring up.

Very not suspicious. Would highly recommend